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This is a menu where users can manage the BeerGang NFTs and Brewing Lab item NFTs they hold within the Brewing Lab.

Inventory Within the Inventory tab, the BNA, Brewing, and Hatching menus allow users to check the status of ongoing BNA, Brewing, and Hatching activities in the Brewing Lab.

Inventory > Extracting BNA

  • This displays a list of BeerGangs that are currently extracting BNA.

  • When the BNA extraction period is over, the "Claim BNA" button becomes active. Selecting this will result in an airdrop of the BNA item to you.

  • If you choose the "Cancel BNA Extraction" button, the BNA extraction is canceled, and the previously deposited BeerGang is restored to the user's DOSI wallet.

Inventory > Brewing

  • This displays a list of BeerGangs that are currently brewing.

  • When the brewing period is over, the "Reveal" button becomes active. Selecting this will result in an airdrop of the evolved BeerGang NFT to you.

  • If you choose the "Cancel Brewing" button, the brewing is canceled, and the previously deposited BeerGang is restored to the user's DOSI wallet, while all the brewing items are burned.

Inventory > Hatching

  • This displays a list of BGGs that are currently hatching.

  • When the hatching period is over, the "Claim BGG" button becomes active. Selecting this will result in an airdrop of the Human BeerGang NFT to you.

  • If you choose the "Cancel Hatching" button, the hatching is canceled, and both the BGG used during hatching and any associated brewing items are burned.

Inventory > My Items

  • This section allows users to view their owned BeerGang NFTs and BrewingLab item NFTs.

  • Brewing Success Menu: Allows users to see the new BeerGang NFTs they have received from successful brewing airdrops.

  • Hatching Success Menu: Allows users to view the new BeerGang NFTs they've received from successful BGG hatching airdrops.

  • Beergang Menu: Users can view the BeerGang NFTs stored in their DOSI wallet.

  • BNA Menu: Users can view the BNA item NFTs they possess in their DOSI wallet.

  • Bottle Menu: Users can view the Bottle item NFTs they have in their DOSI wallet.

  • Booster Menu: Users can view the Booster item NFTs they hold in their DOSI wallet.

  • BGG Menu: Users can see the BGG item NFTs they own in their DOSI wallet.


  • This menu allows users to view records of all events they have participated in, including details of successes/failures and specific participation details.

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